Welcome to our blog
Here you can keep an eye on our events, partnerships & what we have been up to in the community!
We love being a catalyst and connector to unleash the potential in diverse backgrounds either with hands on support or financial commitments.
BYP Celebrate the New year with our very own Jermaine
On the 27th of March Jermaine joined a panel focused on giving actionable advice on goal setting.
Making D,E & I one of your founding habits Supporting with your businesses future success.
Making D,E & I one of your founding habits will support with your businesses future success. Here are some free ideas to help you foster diversity within your start-up
How to Hire Right first time round a critical step to support your business scale.
Hiring the right individual first time round is critical to support your business scale.
Jermaine visits CATCH On Thursday the 7th March
Jermaine spent Thursday the 7th March at CATCH in Harehills, Leeds.